Mag Mur is the muriaticum or chloride of Magnesium, another Muriaticum salt in our series, ‘Remedies in Real Life’.
A little intro:-
This remedy picture belongs to an important person in my life, a post-menopausal woman. Nevertheless, I would say I never shared a smooth relationship with her in my life. You may think it’s unfortunate. Yes, that’s the bitter truth! From the time I can recall, we were always at loggerheads with each other. So once I got into homeopathic practice, whenever she had a health issue and wanted to take homeopathy, I would send her to a friend or a Senior Doctor who practised in our area. Those days, my thinking was that first of all, it would be a herculean task to procure the symptoms. Secondly, she would never feel satisfied, which was also why I never even made an attempt to treat her. Honestly, our interactions were never the pleasant type and I was the certainly not the submissive kind of child growing up.
As I have been sharing with you the remedies as I have come across in my real life, I feel I should share this experience as well. I shall hereafter refer to this individual as a patient. She went from one Doctor to another, also tried other systems of medicine including being in residential care at an ayurvedic hospital. I never thought it was a good idea to ask any of my Doctor friends as to what happened in her case. I felt they did the best for her, under the circumstances. Anyways, she never stayed with one Doctor and also never got relieved of her symptoms or pain completely. A few orthopaedic surgeons advised her to undergo knee replacement surgeries on both of her knees.
In retrospect for me and Introspection for Mag Mur:
With or without my homeopathic hat, she appeared to be always dissatisfied and complaining. I could be prejudiced which is also why I had avoided seeing her as a patient. Now I understand the reasons behind why she has been this way.
Interestingly, one of the rubrics in the remedy Magnesium muriaticum is ‘Introspection’. I am observing that a lot with this patient in recent times.
Never did I think she needed a Magnesium remedy!
Last year, she suffered a lot of pain in her knees and struggled to walk without support. That was when she said to me, addressing me by my pet name, ‘You are giving medicines to everyone, why don’t you do that for me’. I obviously fell for it, I said to her that I shall find the remedy for her soon.
I think, in a month’s time, I sent her the prescription: Magnesium muriaticum in LM potency.
Why Magnesium Muriaticum:-
The prescription is based on the following:
Identity issues:
Patient lacks an identity of her own. She can be easily influenced by any one. Always speaks of what others said or others did.
Constantly seeking attention, care and nurturing:
There is a child-like dependence on the people in her life. She would go out of her way to do things for others, friends and family, for eg., cook for them. Can get irritated when she does not get the support she seeks, especially from the spouse.
I have heard from the people who lived in her house as to how quiet a person she was growing up. It’s important to note that she lived in a joint family with her cousins and extended family.
Cannot do household work without support, always kept a maid to help her with household chores.
In later years, she was observed to sleep in the adjacent bedroom to her husband’s because in her words, the latter did not want to sleep in an air conditioned room. You must understand that she is a very timid person and does not like to be alone especially at night. Here, she appeared ok to stay in the adjacent room.
Feeling forsaken or fear of being abandoned:
She needs her family and friends around her.
Recently, she quoted someone saying, ‘Friends are the most important in one’s life’. She also said that she feared she would be estranged from her sons who have always been dear to her.
Betrayal of trust and faith:
The muriaticum (halogen) theme.
Physical symptoms:
History of asthma. Through my high school days, I have mostly seen her with the inhaler.
In 2017, she had a fall following which she never walked without support. She used braces to support her knees, at least two of them, a heavy and a lighter one and also used a walking stick.
Hot patient, desiring open air.
Course of the treatment:-
Several months passed by with no relief of the pain. However, she persisted with the treatment. I gradually increased the potency from 0/1 to 0/4. Sometimes, I would keep a potency for at least a couple of months. She continued with her oils etc., which she has been doing for more than 6 years now and I decided to turn a blind eye to that. Honestly, I did not know how this case would unfold and most importantly, I needed to keep peace. As a Homoeopath, that would not be my usual approach.
Intense anxiety:-
At least three months before, the patient developed intense anxiety and sleeplessness. She was extremely worried as she did not know what was happening to her. When friends or family visited her, she would grasp them strongly asking them not to leave her.
When this symptom occurred, I could finally see light at the end of the tunnel, something was changing within her, for sure and it was for the better.
She did breathing exercises, this came handy too.
I gave her a couple of doses of Mag Mur 30c, in water, at different times after an interval of wait and watch.
Forsakenness is like the central theme of this remedy.
Disappearance of pain:-
This was certainly a life-changing experience for the patient. Imagine how it would feel to be relieved of the pain after going through it almost every day, for years. She was absolutely over the moon! She was showering me with “Thank you’s” & love. That’s the power of Homeopathy. It cures the person on the inside so that they connect with their true self, almost.
I have posted one of the ‘Good morning’ messages that I have received.
She’s neither completely cured nor the structural changes all gone. However, she has no pain and most importantly she feels good in herself. She says she can walk without the braces now. You will be able to appreciate that she was encouraged to go through the transformation very gradually. She got rid of the heavy braces first, then the lighter one.
When I asked her, she said she has a little pain when she rises from sitting.
Nature abhors a vacuum??
After a couple of weeks of no pain, walking quite well and sending me positive messages almost every morning, some situations developed in the family and the patient burst out. She displayed intense anger. These were situations that were perhaps brewing underneath for a while and then, there was a big flare-up.
Is this negative? Actually, the answer is ‘NO’.
For someone who hardly expressed her true emotions to anyone including her spouse, this is actually all the repression coming out. I am thankful for the learning I had, so I knew what could come up. From just talking about her physical symptoms and pain the patient now spoke about how angry she feels towards the other person. They were actually fits of violent anger.
It was time to give her a dose of Mag Mur 200c.
In the above audio clip, she talks about being very healthy and happy. She also reports she has done her meditation, yoga, exercises for the legs. The reason I have posted this is to illustrate how pure homeopathy has the power to change the inner state of the individual. Whatever she has been advised to practise has also helped to shift her paradigm. It’s not easy, but the shift is definitely happening.
The patient touches a side of them perhaps long forgotten. In fact, most people do not even recognise this personality ever existed. It’s like they have found their new self. There’s a new found freedom, happiness, health & hence, supreme wealth.
“Higher purpose”
That’s my intention as a homeopathic practitioner, to be able to achieve this in each and every case, just like my own.
Homeopathy is purely a gift from the Universe, it’s Divine!! My gratitude knows no words..